Travel tips

April 24, 2019

It seems like we’re all trying to achieve that illusive work / life balance, but has anyone ever actually found it? And for modern families, you often feel like you’re being pulled in more than two directions once you add in things like chauffeuring kids to lessons and taking grandma to her medical appointment.

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February 19, 2019

In a travel health clinic, we offer a lot of advice about hepatitis A and B. Both forms of hepatitis are easily preventable by being vaccinated and public health officials recommend immunization for most travel destinations. These common vaccines are part of the basic immunization schedules for children, and most travellers tend to be vaccinated on a preventative basis. But do you really know what hepatitis A and B are?

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February 18, 2019

The key to enjoyable and worry-free travel lies in developing and maintaining safe travel skills. There are tools available to help you make informed choices, from choosing your travel destination to adapting your travel habits for a particular region. While it might first seem overwhelming, the Canadian government site is a gold mine of information, no matter where in the world you intend to visit.

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January 30, 2019

We’re very happy to introduce a new blogger who will contribute content for our Travel Tips page. Gabrielle Asselin was chosen specifically because of her deep-seated passion for travel and because of the wealth of knowledge she has as a practising registered nurse.

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January 30, 2019

When day to day life becomes a little too intense and the weather is gloomy, who doesn’t dream a bit about their next vacation? Creating a travel bucket list actually helps turn dreams of escape into reality as you imagine future adventures or a well-deserved rest somewhere idyllic. Take a look at my ideas below and hopefully reading it will inspire you to create your very own list of places you’d love to visit. Allow yourself some escape time to conjure the destinations you’ve always dreamt of or the wildest vacation you can imagine.

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December 21, 2018

When I consult on travel health issues, the people who come to me often have questions about travellers’ diarrhea and that is regardless of what sort of trip they’re planning. So, I’ve come up with some FAQ (frequently asked questions) to help you be more aware about “Bali Belly” prevention during your trip or on your return.

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